Monday 28 November 2011

Shortbread Hearts

Apparently I had hearts on the brain; my next baking project was a large batch of heart-shaped shortbreads.  The second week of November had breezed in to find me feeling a little unwell and in need of some T.LC.  Shortbread seemed the obvious choice; containing only three ingredients, thus rendering the quest for ingredients unnecessary, and cheerfully sweet, they are fairly easy to make and go well with my favourite cure – a nice cup of tea.

I used a recipe from BBC Recipes, which can be found here.  Rather than cut them out into sober, adult rectangles, I stubbornly stuck to my guns and managed to get about twenty five little heart biscuits.  I must confess that I forgot to put them in the fridge, as the recipe suggests, but I don’t think that this minor slip affected the taste.  The fact that I rolled them out too thin and overcooked a few, however, meant that they did not produce that beautiful, melt-in-the-mouth sensation required from shortbread. 

Although they fell short of the shortbread ideal, they were a compatible partner for a warm drink and a healthy dose of therapeutic television.  Whether it is a cold, headache or broken heart, these biscuits are an easy, tasty pick me up, especially when you take the instructions to heart.

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